Let’s take care of our Earth every single day. Here are a ten things that WE can do to teach our children to take care of our environment:
- Watch Wonders of the Planet by NASA online www.facebook.com/CrayolaEducation/events on April 20th from 2:00-3:00.
- Look for ways to recycle around your home. Think reduce, reuse and recycle.
- Take your own bags to the store.
- Read Recycle by Gail Gibbons.
- Go on a nature scavenger hunt at a State Park, beach or your neighborhood. Then make a list of what you found.
- Plant flowers.
- Visit the Brock Center in Virginia Beach.
- Use recycled materials to make art. Paint a cardboard box, make a mini-easel out of a used pizza box or build a robot.
- Plant trees.
- Make your own Earth with blue, green and white paint. Use a white paper plate, a few marbles and guide them around to make the Earth.

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