Are you looking for fun + simple early learning activities to do at home with your child or grandchild?
Infant Activities:
Talk! Talk! Talk! Explain everything you are doing(changing a diaper, putting on shoes, watering a plant, making dinner or taking care of animals). The more words they hear, the more they will know.
Imitate Them! When they make a facial expression or noise, repeat it back to them.
Watch it! Hold up an object and describe it. Talk about the shape, color, texture + size.
Go on a Walk! Walk around + talk about the things you see(birds, flowers, clouds, signs, construction vehicles and animals). Ask, “Did you see that dog?” “What sound does the dog make?” Ruff. Ruff.
Toddler Activities:
Label it! Ask your child to pick an object in the room. Use a post-it or tape to label the object. Repeat this over + over.
Building Shapes! Children can build shapes with popsicle sticks, straws, or even sticks. Help your child build a triangle using three sticks. Then let them build + create on their own.
Preschool Activities:
Be a Robot! Use your best robot voice, say two syllable words (happy, turtle, baseball) pause between each syllable. Let your child put the word together. You can prompt them by saying “Listen to hear all parts of the word.”
Math Shape Toss: Be a shape detective! Draw shapes with chalk. Toss a bean bag or other object into the shape that you call out.
These activities are so much fun, build positive interactions and promote learning!
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