The data and research tells us that our children have catching up to do academically and socially. It seems that our children could use some help rebuilding social ties, friendships, relationships, reconnecting and disconnecting from technology. Relationships and friendships are important for all of us— WE all need friends! We need friends to support us, share life with, enjoy activities and help us grow. I think we can all agree that the pandemic presented challenges for every age and we had to embrace new ways of interacting and staying connected.
How can we help children reconnect with old friends and make new friends?
Be honest about the challenges you have faced in your own relationships with friends, colleagues and others.
Help them to learn how to start conversations(What’s your name?, Do you want to play?, My name is…).
Model how to share with others and deal with conflict.
Show them how to apologize to others and show empathy.
Make a play date.
Practice and role play initiating conversations and joining a new group.
Model how to show interest, ask questions or show curiosity about another person.
Tell them why friendships matter to you. Share stories.
Encourage play time that requires conversation and interaction without electronics.
Make a plan in advance to ease a child’s worry or angst about going to a birthday party, sporting event or camp.
Most importantly, take it slow! Listen to your child’s concerns, worries, thoughts and feelings. Let them slowly try new things and rebuild their social lives.
Adapted from Kamenetz’s The Stolen Year: how COVID Changed Children’s Lives and Where We Go Now.
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