Our School
E3: Elevate Early Education created The New E3 School as a high-quality model that could be replicated and scaled to impact thousands of children, families, teachers, and programs in our region and across Virginia. The school is a catalyst for policy change and increasing state investment.
Located in the Park Place neighborhood of Norfolk, the school is a state-of-the-art, innovative, mixed-income model for all children ages one to five. With a seven-year track record of success, we can prove that when children have access to high-quality early learning, they enter kindergarten with the academic and “soft skills” they need to be successful.

Our Model
Leading-edge program that created STREAMin3 in partnership with UVA in our school
UVA-led professional development & coaching to improve quality in the classroom
Year-round learning
Literacy lab
Assessments & portfolios of children’s development
Healthy, fresh snacks & lunches
Nature playground & outdoor classroom
Enrichment programs & partnerships such as CrossFit Kids, early music, gardening, yoga & many others
Financial assistance & scholarships available
Are you a teacher?
Call 757-961-6416
« Kindergarten, Here They Come!How the Pandemic Changed Children’s Lives »