Every fall, too many children in our region and state are struggling as they enter school. Two in five children enter kindergarten ready to fail. Children who start behind, stay behind their peers. Without early intervention, the achievement gap continues to widen. The evidence is clear­—high quality early education can close the achievement and readiness […]

    The Problem Every year, many children in our region and state enter kindergarten ready to fail. It will be tough for them to catch up without intervention. In 2018, 42% of kindergarten students in participating school divisions of the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program entered kindergarten not ready in one of the critical learning […]

We have many family traditions, but a few of my boy’s favorites are seeing what the elf left in the Advent calendar (not so much anymore), building a Lego Christmas village, building & decorating gingerbread houses and making (and mostly eating) homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas Day. Every year since my two boys were young […]

We believe that every child, regardless of their zip code, deserves a high quality early education. That’s why we want to make sure all children have the opportunity to attend The New E3 School.   For those who qualify, scholarships and financial aid are awarded throughout the year thanks to the generosity of our donors. […]

Whoa! That is one big rock. The Pretlow Planetarium @ ODU stopped by with a 65-pound meteorite. Our children learned that this rock made of stone or metal comes from outer space and landed on earth. They had a chance to touch, feel and talk about outer space and meteorites. STREAM Skills: Science Core Skills: Regulate- […]

Classroom 1, (three & four-year-old classroom) chose to focus their Community Service Week activities around learning what firemen and police officers do for our community.  Some friends even dressed up to celebrate.  They worked together on an art project to give to our local police officers to say “Thank You” for protecting our community! Classroom 6, […]

Are you interested in visiting our school?  Join us on April 21st from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and meet our school leaders, teachers and participate in fun STREAM activities! More information can be found on our flyer below. To RSVP, please email Stephanie Sager, Director of School.

What an amazing turnout at our inaugural Parent’s Night about two weeks ago! We all know how challenging it is when you have young children to get out a-n-y night of the week, but especially on a cold, dreary and rainy Tuesday evening. That did not stop our families! It was a packed house of […]

2901 Granby Street | Norfolk, VA 23504
jvandenplas @ newe3school.org

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