Today, February 7th is our school’s 7th birthday. We are celebrating with a fun-filled day of critical thinking, problem solving, projects and STREAM activities focused on the number 7, many of which were dreamed up by our children. YOU can help us celebrate. Try some of these ideas at home with your children and talk about our school’s birthday celebration.

7 Activities to Celebrate TNE3S’s 7th Birthday:
Have your child decorate a paper plate or coffee filter with the number 7. You can use crayons, markers, paint, stickers or any arts and crafts materials you have in the house.
Play “We are Going on a Number Hunt.” Hide 7’s in various places around your home for your children to find.
Put shaving cream on a plate and let your child draw the number 7 in it.
Gather items with similar shapes in groups of 7. “See if you can find 7 circles.”
Create age-appropriate math, counting and measuring activities using the number 7. For example, for ages 4 & 5: “How many ways can you make 7 cents or 7 dollars?” or “How long are 7 Legos?”
Create a Lucky 7 dice game. Roll the dice. The first person who gets a total of 7 wins!
Have a 7 snack. Eat 7 goldfish, 7 grapes and 7 carrots.
Lots of learning and lots of fun can be tied to STREAM activities. Share with us what you did at home. We can’t wait to hear how your family celebrated with us. For more ideas, check out these activity cards created by our friends at UVA.
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