Exploring Objects and Expressing Empathy
Have you visited our school’s Art Gallery? When you walk down TowneBank Street, you will see our children’s amazing work on the walls and in the Kiva. The Kiva means gathering place and, prior to the pandemic, we would have visitors spend lots of time admiring the works of art. When children are creating art, they are learning so much. Our STREAMin3 curriculum model, it is an innovative, interactions-based, comprehensive package that blends academic and social-emotional learning. The model was developed by UVA in The New E3 School with funding from E3: Elevate Early Education. Every activity is intentional and ties in the Core and STREAM (science, technology, reading, engineering, art and math) skills in a fun and meaningful way.

At a glance, the Sun Catchers may appear to be an art activity. In a STREAMin3 classroom, it is so much more. Look at what our children are learning! Our three- and four-year-olds explored the relationship between light and color. During this activity, children used math skills to compare and categorize materials by color, patterns, and shape. The two core skills teachers focused on with this activity were relate and think. Students were prompted to gift their sun catchers to someone else to promote empathy. Understanding the feelings of others is an essential developmental skill. It can be difficult to give away something you have worked hard on, but it teaches students to care for others.

We are going to give you a virtual tour of our Art Gallery soon! Our artists are very busy creating masterpieces for you to see.
Stay safe and well!
Lisa Howard
President & CEO
E3: Elevate Early Education and The New E3 School
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