E3: Elevate Early Education launched the Early Learning Now campaign to fight for equitable access to high quality programs for all children and families. Our early educators and early learning programs must have consistent and stable funding. Governor Northam announced the details of his early education budget priorities this week:
Equitable Access
Recruit & retain early educators in the classroom ($5m to fully restore)
Increase access for three-year-olds ($444k to fully restore)
Eliminate the wait lists in the Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) ($300k to fully restore)
Allow early learning programs flexibility with class sizes, ratios & meeting the needs of working families ($642k)
Expand access for special education children in VPI programs
Partner with private programs and school divisions to improve access for children and families
Increase the per pupil amount in VPI by 10% from $6,326 to $7,655 ($9.7m)
Give early educators the skills they need to be successful in the classroom through the G3: Get Skilled, Get a Job, Give Back program
Expand the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) to preschool. This tool helps teachers, parents and programs understand a child’s strengths and weaknesses in key readiness domains ($300k)
Include a Deputy Superintendent of Early Childhood position in the Virginia Department of Education to provide leadership and oversight of early education ($161k)
2020 Recap
$35.4m total reallotted during the special session
$169.5m in CARES Act, GEER and Head Start federal relief funds
Governor Northam will propose legislation and made it clear half of the revenues should go toward access to quality programs for at-risk three and four-year-olds. This dedicated funding would impact over 20,000 children.
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Together, WE will make sure our children, families and early learning programs are a TOP Priority.
My best,
Lisa Howard
President & CEO of E3: Elevate Early Education & The New E3 School
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