What a great way to start the day! The morning began with Angela Phillips from Angela Phillips Yoga Studio guiding teachers through yoga poses and helping them to bring yoga into each classroom. Namaste!
Then our entire team was hard at work on PD Day! Kate Matthews with UVA CASTL was in town to focus on the core skill of think & how to emphasize hard work & effort with children. Check out these photos as our teachers collaborated in large and small group activities.
And yes, those are real worms. Learning should be messy, slimy and fun. The worms were the prop for teachers to think about how to ask open-ended questions, help children predict, explore and guide children’s learning as they delve deeper into an activity and focus on a core skill.
It reminds us all that it is important to recognize effort, perseverance and hard work in everything our children do from art, building with blocks, learning to ride a bike and playing sports. Hard work always pays off in the long run!
Lisa Howard, President & CEO
« The New E3 School Parent’s Night February 2018Join us on April 21st for our Open House! »