STREAMin3 Curriculum



At The New E3 School, our classrooms are filled with children exploring, experimenting and engaging in daily STREAM activities and core skills.

The components of the curriculum focus on: children’s interests & experiences, active engagement & experiences, play & fun, problem solving and curiosity.






CORE skills:

Relate-with peers and adults

Regulate– their emotions, attention and behavior

Think– deeply about the world around them

Communicate– with others productively

Move– their bodies to achieve goals




S.T.R.E.A.M. Skills:

Science-scientific method, understand natural and physical world

Technology– using tools to create, explore and innovate

Reading– book understanding, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, print concepts, early writing

Engineering– understand how and why things work

Art– creating, expressing, and imagining through a variety of mediums

Math– number sense, geometry, spatial relations, patterns, measurement

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2901 Granby Street | Norfolk, VA 23504
jvandenplas @

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