Women Are Dropping Out of the Workforce
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Dear Friends,

We wanted make sure you saw the Good Morning America story about women dropping out of the workforce.  It features an economist talking about the dire need to address this demand and Virginia’s own Kim Hulcher with the Virginia Child Care Association (VCCA) speaking eloquently about the struggles of working parents, early educators and programs.


Without early learning programs (aka child care), parents can’t work.  That is a workforce issue that must be fixed NOW!  In Virginia, we have made transformational policy change and investment in equitable access to QUALITY early learning a top priority.  Early learning is no longer a child care issue; it is an education issue.

It is critical that we continue to fight for our children, teachers and programs.  Tell candidates and policymakers that this issue matters to you.

Thank you for all you do to support our cause!


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2901 Granby Street | Norfolk, VA 23504
jvandenplas @ newe3school.org

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